Does feeling tired, irritable, puffy, and bloated sound familiar? If so, it may be time for a detox. Below you will learn why you need to detox, 8 telltale signs that it may be time for one, and what to do about it if so.
The Importance Of Detoxing
While it is true that our miraculous bodies have innate detoxification processes, it is also true that our systems could use a little help. Our detoxification organs (hello liver, kidneys, colon, skin, and lymph) work so hard for us daily. Thanks to our fast-paced lifestyles and the chemical storm surrounding us, we are exposed to more pollutants than ever before. From air pollution to plastics to contaminated water and a multitude of toxic chemicals in our food and home products, it can be pretty toxic out there! It’s no wonder we feel sick, tired, and overwhelmed with all that going on under the surface. Fortunately, our bodies are resilient, and given the right tools, they can get back to optimal health quicker than you might expect!
Now you may be thinking, “That sounds great! How do I do it?” Before we get into the what and how-to, let’s go over 8 signs indicating you may need to detox.
How You Know It’s Time For A Detox
1. You experience food cravings
Food cravings (especially sweets) can indicate that your body is in a higher toxic state. When the body is overtaxed, it will naturally seek out foods that are simpler to digest and provide energy quickly. These foods are typically sugar, carbohydrates, and processed foods which can lead to blood sugar imbalances and a host of other issues. An imbalanced gut microbiome can also cause quite the sugar craving.

2. You have digestive issues like bloating and gas
These are signs that something in the gut is off and a change in diet would be highly beneficial. Eliminating inflammatory foods and sticking to whole foods during a cleanse is a great start to addressing digestive issues.
3. You have joint pain
Chronic inflammation is the root cause of several dis-eases and health imbalances. Joint pain is one of the imbalances that often stems from excessive inflammation. So unless you’ve been hitting the gym more than normal, you could likely use some help in the inflammation department.
4. You have chronic fatigue
If you are always tired and looking for your next nap, your body is telling you something is off. Toxin buildup, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and a myriad of other health issues can definitely lead to fatigue. No matter what the underlying cause, low energy, and chronic exhaustion are great indicators that your body is working in overdrive and could use a break.
5. You have trouble losing weight
If you have stubborn body fat that just won’t let go, this may be a sign of toxic overload. Our bodies take toxins from the blood and store them in our adipose tissue (aka fat cells). If your body isn’t in an optimal state to remove those toxins, it may hold onto the body fat. Once we open the drainage pathways to safely remove these substances and optimize detoxification and overall health, the body can begin to let go of the stubborn fat more willingly. This is an incredibly smart process designed to keep us safe.
You may also see some extra weight show up due to water retention. When the body is inflamed, it holds onto more water. While it may not be ideal, it’s actually for good reason! As mentioned above, the body takes toxins we’re exposed to from the blood and puts them in fat cells. Water follows these toxins causing the fat cells to swell. As a result, extra pounds, swelling, and puffiness show up to the party.

6. You have skin issues such as acne, rashes, or eczema
The skin is an excellent communicator in letting us know when something is off internally. Whether it be toxin overload, food sensitivity, or stress, skin issues are a sure sign that you could benefit from a detox.
7. You feel irritable, anxious, and overwhelmed
These are all signs that your body is taking on too much and screaming for a break. Consider these feelings as messengers letting you know your body and mind need some attention. Internal stressors (imbalances, inflammation, toxins) can play a large role here, and external stressors (work, relationships, environment, habits) typically have a starring role as well. A detox isn’t only about removing physical toxins, it also includes eliminating or reducing our external stressors as well.
8. You’re a Human Being Living on Planet Earth
Let’s face it, living in today’s world, we are faced with an overwhelming amount of stressors and toxicities. No matter how clean your diet, and how minimal your lifestyle is, almost every human being could benefit from a tune-up from time to time. So whether you’ve eaten an all-organic, whole-foods diet for 20 years, or you’ve been living an on-the-go fast food lifestyle for some time, it’s highly likely that a detox would do your body a few favors.
How You Can Start Detoxing
For those of you thinking “Ok, this is me! SOS I need a detox stat!” Fear not, I’ve got recommendations!
One of the best ways to lower your toxic load is a healthy detox.
When I refer to a detox, I am not talking about a trendy tea, restrictive diet, or “bikini-ready” quick fix. I am talking about a scientifically-backed functional medicine program that works with your body’s natural detoxification processes. The goal is to reduce the body’s toxic load safely and effectively. This involves minimizing exposure to toxins through dietary and lifestyle changes and taking supplements targeted to assist in detoxification (especially with phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification). I personally recommend the Equilife FM Detox as it checks all of these boxes and has been successfully completed by thousands of people. There are numerous programs out there, so feel free to do your own research and choose what is best for you!
If done healthfully, a proper detox can lead to incredible results. Increased energy, reduced cravings, enhanced mood, improved mental clarity, better sleep, improved digestion, and more are waiting for you on the other side!

Ready to get started?
If you know it’s time for a detox, feel confident in completing it on your own, and are ready to start right away – you can learn more about the functional medicine detox I recommend HERE.
If you know it’s time, and would rather complete your detox in a group setting with a guide to answering all your questions, check out my quarterly Habit Honey Community Detox and get on the waitlist HERE. *This is by far my favorite way to give my body a reboot*
Have you tried a detox program before? If so, what kind and what was your experience? I’d love for you to share in the comments below.
Until next time…
Make Healthy A Habit, Honey 😉
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